The Dinuba Chamber’s Governmental Affairs Committee consists of business and community leaders who convene monthly with government representatives to stay informed about legislative and regulatory matters impacting our businesses and community. During these meetings, concerns are raised, and proposals for action are deliberated and presented to the Chamber’s board of directors for approval. The Dinuba GAC collaborates closely with state, county, and city legislators and agencies to tackle issues and proactively seek resolutions while advocating for local businesses.
Dinuba Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee (GAC) Policy Manual
November 2019
Adopted by the Board of Directors December 2019
The mission of the Governmental Affairs Committee (“GAC”) is to provide a basis for The Dinuba Chamber of Commerce (“DCC”) to proactively engage in local, state, and federal government related issues and to cultivate positive and productive working relationships with elected officials to create a healthy business climate for Dinuba and our surrounding communities.
- To define the purpose, policies, and process of the DCC GAC to its members and the local communities; and
- To provide proper guidance to the GAC and the Board of Directors in order to facilitate appropriate action on issues that directly impact the local business communities in a clear and timely
GAC members may be required or asked to communicate and present potential business-sensitive issues to government officials or relevant parties in response to legislation or legislative activities where the GAC has taken a stance. These activities could involve drafting letters, public speaking engagements, or making phone calls.
The GAC is committed to keeping the general Dinuba Chamber of Commerce (DCC) membership informed about its actions and initiatives. This communication will be conducted through regular updates in the form of email newsletters, email blasts, updates on the website, and printed materials. These updates aim to ensure transparency and keep members informed about the GAC’s efforts in advocating for local business interests.
The Dinuba Chamber of Commerce Board and its Directors endorse the importance of balanced perspectives within the GAC (Governmental Affairs Committee). Membership on the GAC is open to all DCC Members in good standing. The GAC will comprise a minimum of seven (7) voting members, including at least two (2) board members, and should strive to reflect the diversity of the general DCC membership in terms of business size and type.
The Chamber CEO will serve on the GAC in an advisory capacity without voting rights.
Annually, the incoming Chair of the DCC Board of Directors appoints one (1) Chair and one (1) Co-Chair for the GAC.
GAC meetings are open to all other Chamber members for informational purposes only, with no voting privileges. This structure ensures transparency and encourages broad participation and input from the Chamber membership in governmental affairs activities
GAC members will serve a one-year term, commencing on January 1 and concluding on December 31 of each calendar year. Appointments to the GAC will be made by the GAC Chair. The GAC Chair will accept nominations and/or application forms for membership starting September 1, with a deadline for submission by October 15 of each year. Members will be selected from the applicant pool through a review process.
Prospective GAC members may apply for openings by notifying the Chamber CEO or the GAC Chair. The GAC Chair will then recommend appointments of voting members for approval by the Executive Committee.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall be updated monthly on all activities and/or legislative positions approved by the GAC during the regularly scheduled Board meetings.
GAC Members
GAC members shall have the authority, on behalf of the Board of Directors as needed, to approve any legislative positions of “support,” “oppose,” or “no position,” and to engage in other necessary actions that align with the approved policy platform of the Board of Directors.
If the GAC is asked to take a position or speak to a project, policy issue, or other matter that does not clearly align with the current policy platform, the GAC may either 1) decline to take action or engage further regarding the matter, or 2) choose to forward the issue/matter and any recommendations to the Board for further review and discussion. If a project, policy issue, or other matter is time-sensitive and the Board is not meeting within a reasonable timeframe, the issue(s) may be communicated via email to the entire Board for consideration and approval by a majority response.
Minutes will be kept of all GAC meetings by an assigned staff person, and all recommendations shall be documented in writing and electronically filed with the GAC Chair and the DCC CEO.
A quorum will consist of four (4) voting members in attendance at any regularly scheduled meeting.
GAC will meet on the second Wednesday of each month. GAC members must commit to consistent attendance. Any GAC member who misses four (4) meetings or more in the calendar year may lose voting privileges for the remainder of the calendar year or may face dismissal from the GAC. Dismissal of any GAC member may be decided by the GAC Chair and reported to the Board of Directors at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
Topics for meetings will be determined by the GAC Chair and may be adjusted or expanded as necessary by GAC committee members and/or the Chamber CEO.
The authority to approve the GAC operating procedures shall rest with the Dinuba Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors also has the authority to modify any position of the GAC.
When DCC or GAC is approached by any person and/or organization with a request to take some action on an item/issue, the following process must be followed.
Individuals and/or organizations shall submit written requests to the Chamber CEO, Board Chair, or GAC Chair, care of the Dinuba Chamber of Commerce office, that includes the following information:
- A brief summary and description of the issue/item and how this item/issue directly impacts/affects business (*any additional information, website, written collateral, etc., may be included/attached with the written request);
- The specific action being requested (write letter, speak on behalf of issue, send out email blast, informational only, );
- The timing being requested for such action, including whether any specific dates/deadlines are applicable;
- A list of any current supporters, endorsements, ;
- Whether the person or organization would like to make a brief presentation/Q&A at the next GAC meeting; and
- Specific contact name, email address, and phone number for further questions and/or information
If the person/organization making the request wishes to make a brief presentation at the GAC meeting, they must limit their presentation to the time limit given to them by the GAC. The GAC reserves the right not to have a presentation if agenda does not permit.
Once the issue has been reviewed and a decision on action has been voted upon, then the proper contact person(s)/group will be notified by either GAC Chair or CEO at the earliest opportunity.
The GAC meets on the 3rd Wednesday of every month so requests will be placed on the Agenda and reviewed in the order in which they are received.
GAC will not review any issue/item requested by an outside party (individual or group) that is not in writing as detailed above and cannot guarantee that requests made too close to or on the day of the next GAC meeting can be reviewed.
If the GAC receives a request and it is clear that the issue/item does not fall within our GAC Areas of Concentration or does not have a significant impact on business within our communities, then either the GAC Chair or CEO will do her best to contact that individual/organization immediately and inform them that GAC will take a “no position” on the proposed request.
Dinuba Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee (GAC) Areas of Concentration & Policy Statements
October 2019
Areas of Concentration and Policy Statements
The following Areas of Concentration and Policy Statements are those that the DCC and GAC consider of primary importance and urgency to our local business communities.
The GAC identifies six (6) Areas of Concentration and their Policy Statements as follows:
The Chamber believes there are essential elements necessary for our business communities to thrive and therefore supports:
- Local legislative programs and policies to encourage and foster new businesses and the retention and expansion of existing businesses;
- Cooperative efforts by and with other organizations to support the creation of jobs;
- The reduction and elimination of unnecessary paperwork to streamline
permitting and regulatory processes whenever possible; - Business programs such as grants, loans, workshops, and similar services,
specifically for small, disadvantaged, or start-up businesses; - Efforts to develop public-private partnerships that enhance and promote businesses; and
- Efforts to provide adequate infrastructure needed for businesses to thrive.
The Dinuba Chamber of Commerce and its GAC acknowledge that our natural landscapes, which include the foothills, valley, and agricultural areas, are part of the unique character of this region and what makes this area a desirable place to live and visit. Therefore, it’s important to find a balance between protecting these valuable resources while creating a reasonable and sustainable business environment within our communities. With that background, the Chamber supports:
- Reasonable measures and/or incentives for responsible management of economic development;
- Reasonable and cost-effective methods of implementing sustainable business practices; and
- Efforts and programs that will help educate residents and business owners on environmentally appropriate behaviors and/or practices for the region.
Local and state economies thrive in environments where citizens have ample and adequate access to natural resources, transportation, energy, education, housing, a trained work force, and an enhanced quality of life. Therefore, the Chamber supports:
- Collaboration between businesses and local government to create programs and/or incentives that encourage new businesses to open or relocate here and existing businesses to grow and/or remain in the region; and
- Removal of unnecessary or excessive government regulation and imposition of unfair taxes and fees on business.
Dinuba’s need for housing at the affordable and medium priced levels is essential for our community to survive. Proper planning and enforcement of maintenance standards by governmental agencies can lead to aesthetically pleasing developments that decrease transportation congestion by placing housing closer to jobs. Therefore, the Chamber supports:
- Reasonable options for further development of more high and medium density housing to include redevelopment projects where feasible;
- Financing opportunities for affordable housing that may include traditional private sector investment as well as public-private partnerships and/or grant opportunities;
- Reasonable development of new ownership and rental housing;
- Streamlining the planning and building permit process for housing; and
- Development of an adequate and sustainable water supply for reasonable growth on lots of record.
California’s roads and highways rank amongst the worst in the nation. Business and its workforce are still most dependent on roads, streets, and highways. Specifically here in our region, our local governmental agencies face challenges with infrastructure design and necessary funding . Our community as a whole lacks the unified support needed between businesses and residents to effectively address the issues. As a result, both residents and businesses struggle with increase traffic congestion.
Therefore, the Chamber supports:
- Identification and support of additional resources needed to mitigate congestion on our highways and traffic corridors;
- Collaboration between Chamber, Government, Businesses, and Residents to encourage the development of additional off-street parking within the downtown;
- Affordable and effective alternative transportation methods/incentives/programs for residents and businesses within our communities.
The demand for water for municipalities, businesses, agriculture, and the environment has hit a critical stage in California. More needs to be done to encourage development of new water sources, additional storage, conservation, and addressing the expansion of the water treatment facility to prepare for future growth and business expansion. The Central Valley needs to work together, agriculture, business and residents, to seek solutions and collectively support projects and conservation efforts that help our area meet the demands and continue to grow.
The Chamber supports:
- Establishment of water management policies and procedures for the benefit of the entire community and the environment that focus on expansion of the water supply, conservation programs, and water quality;
- Development of a coalition to further the development of water storage that would include direct representation from all industry in the Central Valley;
- Balanced rate structure and distribution policies between residential, commercial, and government agencies/facilities so that residential and commercial ratepayers are not subsidizing one another;
- Reasonable storm water runoff and storm water recapturing policies and programs, including recycling and conservation, based on sound science, valid engineering, and fair cost distribution among residential, governmental, and commercial property owners; and
- Diversification of water supply sources and collaboration among regional agencies.
As stated here and also in the GAC Policy Manual, the GAC may:
- Review and discuss legislative measures and issues related to the above areas of concentration;
- Receive and discuss requests brought forth to the GAC by DCC members, local groups, and/or organizations and government officials;
- Determine if any direct or specific action is relevant and necessary from the GAC;
- Take appropriate action in a timely and appropriate fashion; and
- Report and relay the GAC position and/or action taken to its Board, members, and the local communities.
Reminder: If the GAC is asked to take a position, speak to a project, policy issue, or other matter, or take other action(s) that does not clearly align with the current policy platform, the GAC may either 1) decline to take any action or engage further with regards to the matter or 2) choose to forward the issue/matter and any recommendations to the Board for further review and discussion.